Computer Vision: Frame differencing
In this ‘Computer Vision’ article you can read something about the Frame Differencing technique. I’ve included some video’s to give you an idea about the technique and some links the most relevant code examples.
Creative Developer
Different how-to posts on creative technology like topics as Arduino, Processing, Computer Vision, OSC and more. For creative (wannabe) nerds that want to create cool things with technology themselves. If you don’t fall in this category you still might be interested to see what I can do for you..
In this ‘Computer Vision’ article you can read something about the Frame Differencing technique. I’ve included some video’s to give you an idea about the technique and some links the most relevant code examples.
Video tutorial on how to setup communication between Arduino and Flash (Actionscript 3.0) with Firmata and Serialproxy. You can download a bundle with examples and the libraries/software.
Simple (beginner-intermediate) Flash Actionscript 3.0 code example on how to apply a bitmap filter on a webcam image. Also image rotation and simple motion detection (activityLevel) is included.
In this follow up article (Processing ControlP5 example 1) an example on how to style (font, color) the ControlP5 interface elements and how to set their values, so you can use them also to monitor variables.
The controlP5 library for Processing makes it easy to add knobs and buttons to your Processing applications. In this article an example how to add some interface elements (buttons, sliders etc.) and how to listen to their events.
The AVCHD codec is a very processor intensive codec. A lot of computers have problem displaying and editing 1080i video ( resolution 1920 by 1080 ) video. When editing video its important to have fast and smooth playback. You can also apply and preview effects a lot faster when not working with AVCHD. In this article some options to convert AVCHD to DV to work with AVCHD in a more fluent way.
Media Encoder CS4 comes with a few standard presets, however they contain not always the best settings. In this article you will find the optimal export/encoding options you can make voor YouTube/Vimeo HD quality movies.
Overview with the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Premiere CS4 (MacOs)
Control a RGB led with Hue, Saturation and Brightness (HSB / HSV ).
Learn how to use the Arduino map() function to change a variable number from one range to another. Also check the other example on how to smooth Analog Input values by taking multiple samples and average those.